Easier Options

It is important for you to be mindful of when you might need the easiest options, so that you can try to plan accordingly whenever possible. It may be hard to predict at times, but having a plan in place might be important for you! If you experience the most fatigue or symptom flares on certain days of the week, make sure you have heat-and-eat options available. It might be helpful when you have lower symptom days to make some extra meals (if possible) to store for flare-days or periods of time that might be more challenging for you.

Some Examples Include:

  • Late afternoon meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays may make dinner prep seem out of reach and almost impossible for you. Purchasing frozen meals at the grocery store to keep on hand until Tuesday and Thursday night might help you get in a nourishing meal when cooking is not a realistic option given other responsibilities and energy stores.

  • If you have some lower symptom days, perhaps you can make two large batches of soup or some other food options you would be able to eat during a flare-up. These can be frozen and labeled for ease of use.

  • If you know that Monday and Tuesday are going to be exhausting days for you, perhaps you have to travel for medical appointments, planning ahead of time and making a large batch of food on Friday or Saturday that can be frozen and used on Monday and Tuesday might be a helpful option!

Contributions made by:

Katie Mednick, Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Expert