
  • Methyldopa can be a helpful option for individuals in our community, especially for those who have a hyperadrenergic form of POTS.

  • As a central sympatholytic agent, which works by helping to inhibit aspects of the sympathetic nervous system, this can be helpful but less helpful for individuals with other forms of POTS who rely on more sympathetic innervation for increased vascular resistance (which can help us maintain our blood pressure).

  • Individuals in our community can be very sensitive to these medications so it is important to be mindful of this when dosing.

  • Researchers recommend prescribing at the lowest dose and then gradually increasing as needed/tolerated (Lei et al., 2019).


Lei, L. Y., Chew, D. S., Sheldon, R. S., & Raj, S. R. (2019). Evaluating and managing postural tachycardia syndrome. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 86(5), 333–344.