
  • We believe that pacing is another important method individuals in our community can use to manage their symptoms.

  • Pacing involves listening to your body, learning what various symptoms may mean (when you need to rest or signs you may be starting to experience a flare-up), and planning as many rest periods as you can while alternating between activities that may require more energy (spoons) and activities that require less.

  • Pacing often does not come naturally or easily to us as we live in a society that often views resting in a negative way, so if you are finding this challenging, you certainly are not alone.

  • It can be helpful for us to remind ourselves that pacing, and resting, are both very productive as we are caring for our wellness and overall well-being, and trying to reduce both the frequency and severity of flare-ups.

  • See our Navigating Flare-ups and Pacing sections to learn more.